Timothy Greenwood
Los Angeles CA
I am informed Tim passed away 9/18/2023.
Timothy Greenwood
Timothy Greenwood has proven over the years that understanding the project makes the difference in creating the correct communication.
On multiple assignments on different sides of both TV and Film cameras Tim captures and holds attention.
In the Sony Pictures / Screen Gems release of Prom Night Tim plays Mr. Kepple, the father of Donna Keppel played by Brittany Snow.

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Timothy Greenwood has the ability to make sense of live events and bring the viewer into the action. Always drawn to live work, Timothy can get to the point in a live shot, and inform while making the viewer glad they were watching. For 3 years in Tampa Bay, Florida Timothy worked with UPN affiliate WTOG doing live TV. Location work and weather reporting as needed, where needed, when needed. Other live TV work includes work for PBS affiliates in Los Angeles, Denver, Orlando, and Tampa.
WTOG-TV channel 44 in Tampa, Florida utilized Timothy Greenwood's talents for three years as a live reporter and weathercaster.
Timothy broadcast live from remote locations during the live newscasts on an as-needed basis and was on the air for the landfall of hurricane Andrew in Louisiana.
2010 - present
2010 - present
Three years of celebrity guests know Timothy Greenwood as the host of "Limelight: The Entertainment Show" on the Sun Radio Network. Over 3 years in as many as 38 radio markets known celebrities were invited to spend 30 minutes or an hour and take questions from Timothy and calls from listeners. Guests included: Sidney Sheldon, Robert Englund, Beverly Sassoon, Connie Stevens, Bob Denver, Luke Perry, Lou Gosset, Jr, and more !
Millions of vehicles line the freeways of southern California, and one of the proud traffic reporters from Metro/Shadow Networks Los Angeles is Timothy Greenwood.
When time is short and tempers are shorter, the calm, clear and reassuring information from Timothy Greenwood can make the commute less of a grind.
Live Productions
Live TV takes a special personality with a quickness and wit that goes beyond scripting and a prompter. Timothy Greenwood has worked literally thousands of live TV hours in host and interview settings. Working in live Weather and Location Reporting for UPN Tampa Bay, as well as hosting live events for PBS affiliates in Los Angeles, Denver, Orlando and Tampa.
Bring a warm, bright, and clear host to your production.